#2 How to become a better Song writer??

As I got the chance to meet a lot of artists, producers, songs writer, singers and rappers  and talking  with them regarding their daily habits or how many song they have in the pocket.. I released that the best one , the ones who came up with the right lines the soul full bars or the catchy hooks, they are the one who have a daily basis habit of writing.

They write at least 3 time a week if not every day at least for 1 hour. 

They do more than that of curse so I sum up a few things they do in order to stay in writing shape and improv them self:

1. Every day they clear for themself a full hour just to sit down and write things.

They have a note book were they can write down their thoughts. everything that come up their brain.

its very common and very helpful to sit down every day in the morning or night(its better in the mornings) and write down 3 page of things.. every thing..gratitude .. or experiences to clear the brain from all kind of thoughts you may have.

2. After that they take another hour or make a full day of take the note book at go through all the pages they have been wrote and sum it up for cupel songs topics or just one song - and they start writing few lines..

they sit down and sum these thoughts even if they dont have a muse and it even help them with this.

If they dont have a muse or idea they go through their note book and find 

they can write on their note app on the phone or in small note book.

3. Every day for  15 minutes they pick a subject and write things about that subject.  than for 10 more minutes they write a few lines end if they can they write a full song regarding subject.

this action improve their writing skills and the time that takes for them to write a sing - so they able to write a song about every thing in few minutes.

that tight not all the line or the songs are going to be brilliant and hits but after a while .. if you practice for long time( I talking about mounts and years) you be able to add you vocabulary new fine words new beautiful words and be able to write good song maybe your next hit. 

So have a great writing session with yourself may you discover  yourself and sharpen your writing skills , bars and may you writ that next summer mer hit song or rainy lullaby song...

Stay bless and positive,




If you have more ideas of how to improve writing please share with us in the comments.


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