#4 A lot can happen

In todays post I want to share the idea behind my new "a lot can happen" murch collection.

During my music producer success journey (I am still in journey ;) and every artist journey there are  a lot of give up point because we think that we lost the time and the success will not coming for us .. we lost the wave ...so during one point i was in very down place - and when I am in this places I am reading a lot of motivational books and youtube videos - so this is how i came a cross Israeli motivational woman called Liron Mor Gil.  She light my attention to law of attraction which I already aware of this law from the book "the secret" by Rhonda Byrne but during life we tend to forget things...

So Liron talks about this law and talks about attract things in our life and she introduced a book called "law of attraction" by ~Michael J Losier  that help to understand  the low of attraction and how we actually use this rule and attract things to our life. I bought this book and read it (I am still reads this book every time I need motivation boost) one time while I am read i see the section when Michael write about the fact that everything can happen all the time and in every moment someone accomplish something - find their  love ones , gain success, win something and every success is different and can be accomplish every time, every day in every life time young or old .. so its very important not lose hope and always have faith that success  is around the corner so the universe will still   give it to us..

I wanted to have something that will remind me never lose this mind set that anything can happen all the time..

Hoping someone reads this and can relate to it and take this mind set and it will help you to.. and if you want something that remind you day in this mind set- you can buy "a lot can happen" murch in here.

Have a bless day...
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